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"Service to Humanity is Service to God"

Extension Activity is the programmed outreach activity by the students who impart their knowledge and skills for the betterment of the rural community, a nation building process through “paying back to the community”, the outreach programme prepares for concerted action paving the way for social transformation by responding to the direct needs of the rural community. It is mandatory for all the UG Students of the college to enrols in anyone of the nine service clubs. As part of their curriculum, students have to record of attendance 120/60 hours per year in NSS/other service clubs to earn 2/1 credits for obtaining the degree. Each club adopts a village and performs the club activity in that village. The List of service clubs in the college are
The extension clubs are

Name of the Club
NSS Unit I & II
Not Me but for You.
Social Service League
Service to Human is Service to God.
Environmental Club
Cleanliness is Next to Godliness
Youth Red Cross
Protecting Human Life & Dignity
Literacy Club
Education is the Real Vision of Life
Population Club
The World is ballooning
Rotaract Club
Know Love & Service
Physical Fitness Club
Health is Wealth
Standard Club
Improving Quality Life
Electoral Literacy Club
No Voter to be left Behind

National Cadet Crops (Prepare the students for B&C certificate examinations)

NCC has a very important role in the society. The cadets have undergone various training camps to get enhanced in various skills and to provide service to the society.