
Department of English is one of the most industrious departments of our college. It became post graduate in 2008, M.Phil course in 2012 was upgraded to Research Department with introduction of Ph.D course in 2020. The department widens its horizon by providing education in English through Bridge course. It also offers BES (Business English Skills) for Ist year and BEC (Business English Certificate) Prelim & Vantage for IInd year under vocational courses. In addition to it soft skill training were given to our discipline students. The department serves as a platform for the research scholars, by conducting many innovative Seminars and video conferences. The department Library has abundant collection of books for English Language and Literature. Besides this, the department focuses on the talents of the students, by conducting various competitions through “Koffee House Club”.

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To train our students in language and literary skills for making them employable and to serve the society.

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To mold and groom the young learners with human values and emerge as effective communicators by imparting literature and language.

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The Department of English started in 1989, has been offering UG program since 2003 and PG program since 2007 for the rural and down-trodden students. M.Phil programme has been offered since 2012 and Ph.D Programme has been offered from 2020. For the development of effective communication skills of the student, the department uses language laboratory and audio visual aids. Soft skill programs are conducted regularly for all students.

News & Update

National workshop

National workshop on writing research paper and research proposals: Avoiding Plagiarism and research ethics. Resoure Persons: Dr. Sunayan Bhattacharjee, Associate Professor, span id="dots">... Department of Liberal Arts, Humanities and Social Science, Maipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Bengaluru. and Dr. Binu Zacharich, Associate Professor,Department of English, Pondicherry Univerrsity, Pondicherry.

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Student Achievements

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