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Our Library is set as a modern library which can accommodate 200 students at a time and has different sections to promote easy access for users. Availability of e-library services for easy access to the latest books within the campus. Also, it provides N-List services providing 6,193 + e-journals & 1,62,609 e-books.

Categorization of sections promotes easy usage among the student community.
  1. Acquisition Section
  2. Technical Section
  3. Circulation Section
  4. Reference Section
  5. Periodical Section
  6. Thesis Section
  7. Binding Section
  8. Back Volumes
  9. Audio Visual
  10. E- Library
  11. Reprographic Section

Special Collection
  • Digitalized Thirukkural Gallery
  • Indian/Stamp Old Coins and stamps

Reprography –Canon Printer is used mainly for Students Service such as Printout, Image Scanner, Photocopy

Barcode Scanner is used for Registration of books issue and returns and Automatic updation of books issue and return in Automation.